Old manuals?
(too old to reply)
2003-11-26 20:56:26 UTC
I have some various old manuals, and wonder if there's any alternative
to trashing them. Mathematica, FrameMaker, Programming Display
PostScript, NeXTStep manuals, etc.

Is there any market for this kind of stuff anymore?

dan+ (Dan Moore)
2003-11-27 05:04:03 UTC
Post by Thor
I have some various old manuals, and wonder if there's any alternative
to trashing them. Mathematica, FrameMaker, Programming Display
PostScript, NeXTStep manuals, etc.
Is there any market for this kind of stuff anymore?
Nope, definately not, so just give them to me ;)

There is some market, but it varies quite a bit from time to time.
I'd be interested in seeing more details at least...
2003-11-28 09:55:23 UTC
Hi Dan,

lets see, I have in front of me:
Mathematica, a system for doing mathematics by computer, Wolfram, 2.nd
edition, 1991.

FrameMaker 3.0 manuals (set includes: Intl dictionaries; New features;
Learning FM; Using FrameMath; FrameMaker Reference; Using FM), august

PostScript language Tutorial and Cookbook, Adobe, 1991

Thinking in PostScript, Glenn Reid, 1990

Installing and configuring NextStep release 3.3 for Intel processors and
NeXT computers, November 1994.

I probably could part with my NextStep 3.3 users guide and system
manual, but I was kind of saving it as long as I still have the system.

I also have the Objectware cotalogue, Next 3rd party apps and hardware
catalogue, plus some other stuff that isn't in front of me at the
present time.

Shoot me an email if any of this sounds interesting.

Post by dan+ (Dan Moore)
Post by Thor
I have some various old manuals, and wonder if there's any alternative
to trashing them. Mathematica, FrameMaker, Programming Display
PostScript, NeXTStep manuals, etc.
Is there any market for this kind of stuff anymore?
Nope, definately not, so just give them to me ;)
There is some market, but it varies quite a bit from time to time.
I'd be interested in seeing more details at least...
2003-11-29 09:56:40 UTC
I also found the following at my office:
Programming the Display PostScript system on NextStep, Adobe (or similar
title, I didn't write it down...)
Post by Thor
Hi Dan,
Mathematica, a system for doing mathematics by computer, Wolfram, 2.nd
edition, 1991.
FrameMaker 3.0 manuals (set includes: Intl dictionaries; New features;
Learning FM; Using FrameMath; FrameMaker Reference; Using FM), august
PostScript language Tutorial and Cookbook, Adobe, 1991
Thinking in PostScript, Glenn Reid, 1990
Installing and configuring NextStep release 3.3 for Intel processors and
NeXT computers, November 1994.
I probably could part with my NextStep 3.3 users guide and system
manual, but I was kind of saving it as long as I still have the system.
I also have the Objectware cotalogue, Next 3rd party apps and hardware
catalogue, plus some other stuff that isn't in front of me at the
present time.
Shoot me an email if any of this sounds interesting.
Post by dan+ (Dan Moore)
Post by Thor
I have some various old manuals, and wonder if there's any alternative
to trashing them. Mathematica, FrameMaker, Programming Display
PostScript, NeXTStep manuals, etc.
Is there any market for this kind of stuff anymore?
Nope, definately not, so just give them to me ;)
There is some market, but it varies quite a bit from time to time.
I'd be interested in seeing more details at least...