Keith A. Schneider
2008-01-04 16:03:14 UTC
The following itemsm are on auction at eBay.
NeXTWorld magazine Vol. 1 No. 1. Jan./Feb. 1991. This is the premiere
issue of this short-lived publication. It features Steve Jobs (current
CEO of Apple) on the cover. The magazine is in excellent condition and
is in its original plastic mailer (which has been opened). This issue
was originally mailed to me in 1991. Also included is some promotional
material from NeXT, including a reprint of an article on NeXT from
MacWorld, and brochures and pricelists for the different NeXT computers.
You won't find these materials in better condition. NeXT has faded into
history, but some of its ideas live on in current Apple machines.
NeXTWorld magazine Vol. 1 No. 1. Jan./Feb. 1991. This is the premiere
issue of this short-lived publication. It features Steve Jobs (current
CEO of Apple) on the cover. The magazine is in excellent condition and
is in its original plastic mailer (which has been opened). This issue
was originally mailed to me in 1991. Also included is some promotional
material from NeXT, including a reprint of an article on NeXT from
MacWorld, and brochures and pricelists for the different NeXT computers.
You won't find these materials in better condition. NeXT has faded into
history, but some of its ideas live on in current Apple machines.